1. Order of Appearance

    The parade committee reserves the right to accept or reject any entry.

    The Parade Committee will determine the order of appearance for The Billerica Christmas Parade. The order is determined to establish variety, as well as the best utilization of the participants.

    Your appearance spot may be altered or canceled if your arrival in the assembly area is not at the time established.

    Lineup position cannot be changed once assigned.

  2. Code of Conduct

    Individuals and organizations participating in The Billerica Christmas Parade are expected to perform courteously, in good taste and with safety in mind at all times during the assembly, execution and dispersal of the parade.

    No profanity, verbal or otherwise, by persons or on vehicles in the lineup area or on parade route, will be tolerated.

    Parade official’s instructions in the staging area, on parade route, and in the dispersal area, must be followed. The parade committee has the right to eliminate any participant from the parade if instructions are not followed or if any participant is considered unsafe to proceed down the parade route.

    Parade participants are required to clean trash and debris from their area prior to the beginning of the parade.

  3. Vehicles & Participants

    No persons are allowed to dress as Santa Claus in or on any vehicle other than the official Santa float as designated by the parade committee.

    All participants must have a fully decorated float in accordance with the theme.

    Proof of Insurance must be available for all vehicles participating in the Parade and provided upon request to any Parade Committee members or authorized public officials.

    All drivers must be licensed and adequately trained to drive their assigned vehicles.

    Vehicles may not exceed the height of 13’ 6”.

    The number of passengers in the vehicle must not exceed the number of seat belts in the vehicle (except on an approved float).

    In addition to those riding in the vehicle or on the float, a maximum of 20 participants may accompany your parade float.

    All unsafe or disabled vehicles will be removed from the parade route and not allowed to re-enter.

  4. Alcoholic Beverages

    NO alcoholic beverages of any kind will be allowed on or with vehicles. The consumption of any alcoholic beverage by any participant prior to or during the parade is strictly prohibited. Violators will not be allowed to participate in The Billerica Christmas Parade.

    Any person who possesses or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be violating a City of Billerica ordinance and will be removed from the lineup area and the parade itself.

  5. Pacing & Spacing

    During the parade, participants are to maintain a safe distance of at least 10’ from each curb and at least 40’ from the vehicle in front of you. Vehicles must be in good mechanical and braking condition and must have an adequate supply of gas to run the engine before the parade and the entire length of the parade route.

    Pacing of parade is critical to avoid gaps in viewing. Keep the parade in motion; stay with the vehicle ahead of you. This also ensures that no vehicle can disrupt the parade.

    This is a moving parade. NO stopping to perform at any time during parade route or stopping for the addition or removal of persons or articles of clothing will be allowed. Failure to comply could result in removal and/or exclusion from future parades.

  6. Distributed Items

    THROWING items (candy, souvenirs, etc.) from vehicles or floats to spectators is allowed, as long as you are being respectful and courteous in throwing such at spectators, any participant that does not adhere to this is subject to be removed from the parade.

  7. Decorations & Signage

    Any banners used with vehicles should have a holiday message or the name of the organization. They SHOULD NOT contain a sales message.

    No political signs allowed.

  8. Sound / Music

    Blatant sound advertising will not be allowed.

    No excessive horn blowing, or sirens is allowed by any vehicles.

    Any participant using sound must play traditional Christmas/holiday, or parade theme related music only.

    Any participant playing inappropriate or unapproved music will be asked to stop playing their music and may be removed from the parade.

  9. Assembly / Staging Area

    Parade participants may arrive after 10 a.m. in the staging area for final decorating. Due to space availability and safety for participants, there will be only one support vehicle allowed into the staging area for each parade participant. Support vehicles must unload and proceed to the provided parking area.

    No vehicles are allowed to leave, or riders be removed from any vehicle once the parade has started.

    All vehicles and participants must be in position for lineup and parade ready by 11:30 a.m.

  10. Inclement Weather Policy

    Should inclement weather occur prior to a parade, the Parade Committee working with local emergency management officials will determine if it is severe enough to cancel or delay the parade, and information will be promptly posted on The Billerica Christmas Parade social media pages.

    If The Billerica Christmas Parade Committee plans to proceed with the parade, rain or shine. We request you make provisions for foul weather.


    Police and parade committee officials will be monitoring the participant’s behavior and actions throughout the parade, including assembly, route, and dispersal areas.

    Parade rules as listed above have been developed for the safety and enjoyment of participants and spectators. Any violations to parade rules will be written up by parade committee and will be taken into consideration upon review and acceptance into parade for subsequent years.

    At the discretion of parade officials, participants deemed to be out of compliance with any of the Parade Rules and Regulations will be provided a verbal warning. Any warning issued will be recorded. Continued failure to comply with rules may result in your removal from the parade.

    Please advise everyone in the group of the rules and ensure they comply with them, making the parade enjoyable for the audience.

    If you would like to download a copy of these instructions, you can download them here: Parade Rules & Acknowledgement.